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Al Kalima   The living word for the Arab world
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Al Kalima started publishing in 1998, with the appearance of An Oriental Reading of the Gospel of Luke and since then have produced several more titles either as specially commissioned works or translations of books relevant to our readership. All of our publications seek to answer questions that our readers have asked us. Our greatest desire is to help our Muslim readers understand the Bible, so our most popular and acclaimed books are the commentaries on Luke, Genesis and John.In order to gain an understanding of the whole teaching of the Bible we have produced books on Bible background.

Many readers enjoy reading fiction; a well-told story can convey truths which are hard to explain in a book of apologetics. The novels of Mazhar Mallouhi have been enjoyed for over forty years, and the stories of Russian Christian authors Tolstoy and Dostoevsky remain popular in the Arab world.

The issue of Palestine is important to every Arab; we have published two testimonies of Palestinian Christians who are working for peace and reconciliation. The final category of devotional books includes two books by John Piper and John Pollock's life of Christ, The Master.