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Al Kalima   The living word for the Arab world
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by Mazhar Mallouhi p/b 144pp

This is a story of a modern prodigal son, his lostness in the world and transformation in Christ. The traveller’s physical journey mirrors his spiritual journey which leads him back to his father’s home. It also deals with the rejection which may come to followers of Christ because of their faith. The introduction by Ahmed Swaydan, a Muslim writer and friend of the author from his hometown concludes: “I see the circumstances of the author, from a distant time to these days and I stand amazed at the power of God to change a person.”



by Mazhar Mallouhi p/b 424pp


The gripping life story of a woman, a victim of society, who overcomes all her suffering and destructive desires for revenge to finally live a stable and productive life. Muna is orphaned as a young girl and forced into a life of prostitution. She experiences cruelty and oppression and this causes her to question God's existence, love and justice. After finding new life through

Christ, Muna discovers she must leave revenge to God and find her liberation by forgiving others while continually receiving God’s forgiveness.


by Mazhar Mallouhi p/b 80pp


It is said every person is given the chance of standing at a crossroads, the road of light and the road of darkness, and upon the choice he makes his life hangs. This book reflects on the ultimate question of man’s choice to live in paradise or

make his own hell. He contemplates attempts to create the ideal society and why they have failed and the need to recreate human nature. He explores the meaning of his boyhood experience of receiving life through the sacrificial death of his father.


by Mazhar Mallouhi p/b 456pp


Man’s struggle for freedom is echoed in the struggle of Syrian youth for the freedom of their country from the long night of colonialism which ends in disillusionment with a new long night under the new Arab regime. The difference between being Christian by choice and being born into a Christian family is

explored through two freedom fighters.


by Mazhar Mallouhi p/b 190pp


The Fugitive is one of the most important spiritual novels in Arabic. It skilfully combines a solid narrative and a profound vision of the human condition. The novel gives a new perspective on the age-old struggle between good and evil. It    also elaborates the concept of rebirth which defies physical death, because it is rebirth in the spirit that lives on forgiveness and grows in love.



by Leo Tolstoy p/b 398pp


Uncluttered by the complexities of plot and character that daunt so many readers of the longer Russian masterpieces, Tolstoy's tales illumine eternal truths with forceful brevity. While inspired by the sense of spiritual certainty, their narrative

quality, subtle humour, and visionary power lift them far above the common run of 'religious' literature. Moralists purport to tell us what our lives should mean and how we should live them: Tolstoy, on the other hand, has an uncanny gift for simply conveying what it means to be truly alive.


edited by the Bruderhof p/b 264pp


Dostoevsky is one of the world’s most important authors and widely read in the Arab world. This selection of his work reveals the common thread of the Russian writer’s questioning faith. Drawn from The Brothers Karamazov, The Idiot, Crime

and Punishment, and The Adolescent, the seventeen selections are each prefaced by an explanatory note.